Traveling to Lucerne, Switzerland

We recommend to approach Switzerland through Zurich International Airport.

Local trains between Zurich Airport and Zurich Main Station are operated at a high frequency. Direct trains connect Zurich and Lucerne within approximately 60 minutes. Trains for Lucerne leave from Zurich Main Station at an hourly basis.

For detailed information on the train schedule and for booking your train ticket in advance, please visit the SBB portal.

Visiting the City of Lucerne

Lucerne has a vast number of monuments worthy of a sightseeing trip. In addition to traditional Swiss food being served in Lucerne's restaurants, you will as well find a wide variety of international cuisine. The old-town centre is totally free of car traffic and invites its visitors to an exclusive shopping experience.

For further information and for planning your visit to the city of Lucerne, please visit Lucerne Tourism.